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KTYF (part one)

"You know what that does to me though!" he forced himself to whisper.

Her teeth slowly slid up to his neck and his vein hid in between her red lips while his left hand firmly gripped her left cheek. His fingers elegantly pianoed on her inner thigh and she had already gasped more and harder then she realised.

He crept in on her magical bit and performed the classic Do Re Mi...

"Stop! Is your umbrella around?"

"What? Don't you want to have children with the man who loves you?", said the light voice jokingly.

They both deeply paused for a few seconds and ingested what he had just said. Caitlyn knew that he said it impulsively and out of lust but she convinced herself he was being genuine, she could feel it.

Besides his grandmother, Caitlyn was the only other woman alive who could detect his lies. Andrew always seemed to make his voice deeper and spoke slower when the truth couldn't leave his mouth. She could feel his honesty on her breasts as his heart started pacing harder and faster. She kept on asking herself what this meant and how big of a thing it actually is. How he'd manage to strip her soul in a heart beat by merging a few words together, animated by their supposed synergy.

The pause was distracted by their inability to stagnate around each other. Their thoughts were no match for their yearn in that moment. It was like absence porn-more and more and more.

He winked at her and placed his nose just below her belly kissing her softly. Another pause adjourned their encounter and Andrew lay his profile on her belly. He smiled blindly, looked her straight in the eye and smiled again. The gesture was reciprocated and it spurred a moment where they completely lost themselves in themselves.

He winked again. She bit her lip and he kissed her skin. Her body quivered as his lips met hers, the bottom ones of course. She started pulsating and he started playing tongue games on her magical bit.

Minutes into his pleasure driven intentions, Andrew panicked and started tripping on what he said. 'Was it the right thing to say? Does she think I took it too far? Is she still horny?'

He felt marks grow on his back and left that to answer his last question.

This summer's evening brought a calm rain with it that somehow united the community of Zha. The streets had a silence that could kill while the people decided to spend the week visiting each other as trading was shut down by the municipality. Andrew's white Audi was parked perfectly outside the biggest house in the street and his car windows were characterised by CO2 particles. People from outside couldn't see what was going inside and vice versa.

Andrew didn't want to leave the car for reasons besides the obvious so he brought his fingers to play and decided to trumpet further inside, to the rhythm of her panting.

Somehow as she was pulsating, his mind went on overdrive and a thousand thoughts ran through his mind about where this could possibly lead, how it was going to happen, what he had just said, babies and diapers, his parents, where his wallet was and what sex would actually mean to them. His anxiety erupted rife through his mental but her presence never made it evident.

Before he knew it his front seat was pooled in virgin juice. He licked his fingers and she gave him a half-hearted smile.

Before he turned his neck she paused again, longer this time.

"What's up?"

"Do you think they'll like me?", she asked innocently which was juxtaposed by her revealed breasts and beautiful porn star posture.

Andrew responded confidently, "Stop stressing yourself babe, it's just the first meeting. Just be yourself and show them how much we care for each other."


100 foot taps per minute with his hands compressing his hair, Andrew was struggling to breath in the toilet. 'Why is this happening now? Is she okay? Is she feeling pressured right now? Is she still thinking about what I said? What the fuck is going on?' were the thoughts running uncontrollably wild in his head. He stood up from the toilet seat, looked himself in the mirror but couldn't stop moving his body. He sat down again, he kept on tapping his foot. He stood up. He sat down. He stood up. His fist punched his palm. He attempted to look at himself in the mirror but failed miserably. Till this day he still struggled to look at his reflection. 'That's not you, it's just a reflection. Fuck! You can never really see yourself so why accept an illusion? This is all going to go away soon. Fuck!' He took out his e-cigarette in anticipation of calming down but was rather shocked out of his mental when he heard a gun fire from outside. He looked his mirage dead in they eye.

"Andrew!!", he heard a voice shout in agony.


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